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Villa da Schio. Owner of the website www.villadaschio.com, may collect the personal data of those who, like you, consult the various pages of this website.
In particular, personal data are collected from those who fill in one of the forms specified on the page “Contacts”.

This privacy policy has been prepared in compliance with the GDPR, Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and Legislative Decree 101/2018 and subsequent amendments, to inform about the way in which data are collected, used, communicated and stored.
The processing of personal data acquired by filling in forms on the site is done in order to meet the needs expressed by the user.
There will be no inappropriate use or use in excess of the stated purposes on our part, nor will such data be disseminated.p>

Please read this document to learn about the privacy policy and write to us if you have any questions about it.

1. Data Controller
The data controller is is the owner of Villa da Schio.:
Giovanni da Schio – Via Villa 117 – 36070 Castelgomberto – Vicenza – Italy.

2. Types of Data
2.1 (Browsing data). While browsing the Site, its normal software procedures acquire certain personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not intended to be associated with identified users but, when associated with other data held by third parties (e.g. your internet service provider), it could allow identification of Site users. Browsing data include IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the user who connects to the site, the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system.
2.2 (Cookies). Only with your express consent, we will carry out, using electronic tools, activities of analysis and profiling in order to improve the offer of services provided through the Site, of commercial information and of market research on services provided by the Association in accordance with the interests of users. Personal data will also be processed, subject to your consent, to send the Villa’s commercial and promotional information, and market research on its products, services and events.
For more details on cookies, see the relative information.
2.3 (Data provided voluntarily by users). The processing of your personal data collected through will be carried out to respond to your requests for information that you submit to us by filling in the forms in the different sections of the site.
Such processing may be carried out by us without the need for your consent, as in execution of your autonomous request made through the form.
I Your personal data will be used to provide the requested information.

3. Methods and Principles of Processing
The processing of the data will take place in compliance with the GDPR, Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and Legislative Decree 101/2018 and subsequent amendments, and with the principles of lawfulness, correctnessand transparency, minimisation, relevance, proportionality, adequacy and limitation of storage, using paper and electronic methods, by persons authorised by Giovanni da Schio and with the adoption of appropriate protection measures, to ensure the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data. The processing operations related to the web services offered by the Site take place at the Villa’s head office and possibly at the offices of external data processors. They are carried out by data processors charged with managing the services requested, marketing activities, if requested by the user, data storage activities and maintenance operations.

4. Purposes and Legal Basis of Data Processing
For the sake of convenience and ease of understanding, here is a list of the purposes for which we process your personal data and the relevant legal basis for such processing.

To measure your experience in using the Site and to ensure the correct functioning of its web pages and related content. Such use is based on a legitimate interest of the data controller
(Marketing) To inform you about commercial initiatives, also by automated means, relating to promotions and/or offers, in the interest of the data controller. Such processing is carried out after specific consent has been provided by the user, except for commercial communications relating to products and/or services similar to those already subscribed to by the user, for which the processing is based on a legitimate interest of the data controller to whom the user may, in any case, object.
To carry out analysis and processing of information relating to users, their preferences, habits, consumer choices and/or browsing experiences (so-called profiling). This activity is also carried out with cookies. For all details on cookies and the legal basis of the processing of data acquired through them, please refer to the relevant information. The processing carried out for these purposes is performed subject to the user’s specific consent, apart from the analysis of elementary information relating to the user’s consumer preferences, which are acquired automatically.
To communicate your data for commercial and/or promotional purposes to third party partners such as, for example, subjects operating in the field of consultancy, insurance etc... Processing for these purposes is carried out subject to the user’s specific consent.

5. Communication and transfer of data
Browsing data and data collected through cookies may be:

  • to all duly informed people who carry out activities which the data controller is legally obliged to perform;
  • to all those natural and/or legal, public and/or private persons when such communication is necessary or related to the performance of the institutional activities, including those that can be supplied through the Site;
  • to recipients based outside the EU (e.g. Google or Mailchimp for the purposes of newsletter management or the archiving or management of documents in the cloud) who have signed agreements aimed at ensuring an adequate level of personal data protection, or in any case subject to verification that the recipient guarantees adequate protection measures.

Where necessary or appropriate, the persons to whom the data is transmitted for the performance of activities on behalf of the data controller shall be appointed as data processors pursuant to Article 28 GDPR, a list of whom is available at the headquarters.
With regard to the data provided directly by the user, please refer to the relevant information.

6. Data retention
The Data Controller retains your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. In addition, the Data Controller retains your personal data if required to do so by regulatory obligations and until the expiry of the statute of limitations in order to enforce any existing legal claims.
Personal data will be stored as hard copy and/or in electronic/digital form.
For the purposes of direct marketing and profiling, we will keep your data for a maximum time equal to that provided for by the applicable legislation (24 and 12 months respectively).
For analysis purposes aimed at developing and improving the service, your personal data may be subject to a retention period of 36 months.
In the event of exercising the right to be forgotten through a request for express deletion of personal data held by the Data Controller, we remind you that such data will be stored, in a protected form and with limited access, solely for the purposes of investigating and prosecuting crimes, for a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of the request and will subsequently be securely deleted or irreversibly anonymised.
We also inform you that for these purposes, data relating to telematic traffic, excluding the contents of communications, will be stored for a period not exceeding six years from the date of communication, pursuant to Article 24 of Law No. 167/2017, which implemented EU Directive 2017/541 on anti-terrorism.
Personal data are stored on servers located within the European Union. It remains in any case understood that, should it become necessary, the Data Controller shall have the right to move the servers outside the EU. In this case, the Data Controller assures as of now that the transfer of data outside the EU will take place in compliance with the applicable legal provisions, subject to the stipulation of the standard contractual clauses provided for by the European Commission.

7. Rights of the Data Subject
In your capacity as data subject, you are guaranteed all the rights specified in Art. 15 et seq. of the GDPR, including the right to access, rectify and cancel data, the right to restrict and object to processing, the right to withdraw consent to processing (without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent obtained prior to withdrawal), as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data if you believe that processing concerning you is in breach of the Regulations. The above mentioned rights may be exercised by written communication sent by e-mail, P.E.C. or fax, or by registered letter to the Villa’s registered office and by e-mail to info@villadaschio.com.

8. Security measures
The data controller uses “secure” technologies to protect personal data in order to minimise the risks of destruction or loss of data, unauthorised access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes of its collecti